Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

g [Known issue] Error with Alien Biomes + Asphalt Roads

5 years ago

When the two mods are installed, all yellow markers are counted as landfill

5 years ago

This might be caused by too many different tiles being loaded at once. Do you use other mods that add new tiles, like Dectorio?

Please also have a look at the "FAQ" section, because unfortunately this is an issue which can't be resolved easily. If you have too many tiles active, this mod allows you to disable certain tiles. Maybe this helps in your case.

5 years ago

I noticed in the FAQ afterwords, after thinking on it. By then I couldn't delete the post sorry.

5 years ago

No problem :)

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