Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

b fail to load save

6 years ago

Hi, I recently added a the omnipermute mod to my game but when I tried to load my save i got a conflict with your mod.
I do not know if it is his mod or yours so i contacted you both.
I would like to add a screenshot but seems like this isn't possible on here so I wll write the notice that i got:
Error while running on_configuration_changed: AsphaltRoads/control.lua:19:attempt to index field'Arci-asphalt'(a nil value)

Greetings and thanks for reading

6 years ago

Please Ignore the previous message: I have solved my problem by disabling your mod and then loading OmniPermute into my save and after that I loaded your mod back in, this didn't give me the error.

New response