Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

b omnipermute mod incompatibility

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Edit: Newer mind apparently it is problem only on that save game. I suppose that is what I get for adding mods mid game. I will still leave the original text here in case you would find it useful in any way.

Error while running on_configuration_changed: AsphaltRoads/control.lua:19: attempt to index field 'Arci-asphalt' (a nil value)

Also a quote from the mod author while we were talking about this on discord in case that helps:
"Essentially the issue is he is for some reason calling for a specific recipe by its name (understandable), however omnipermute removes all those and has its own naming scheme in order to give its features.

My suggestion is that when when the game loads he has the game find the recipe and store it in a variable. So no matter what name changes others do by adding affixes, it will find it.
that makes it also safer for other mods"

also this:
"If you want to give him somethign to look at at how to do it he can look at omnilib, It looks through all recipes and crafting recipes and buildings to get their relations storede so whenever a tech is researched, it changes them accordingly and grab all the right buildings"

I hope it helped and thanks for taking your time reading this.

New response