i have to agree with oniksu: just use fewer mods that add lots of tiles, and i say this while loving nice roads through pretty landscapes, but having no problems since i removed alien biomes which accounts for half of all tiles on my old map :-(
btw: the problem of increasing the number of IDs is not only a rewrite of parts of the engine, but the increased memory usage (including bottlenecks on computer bus and caches etc) of 1 byte per tile, or 1GB for a map with 1000² chunks.
i think that the problem sooner or later will appear again until some standard for vanilla and all mods is found how to add more tiles without conflicts.
the problem with lines is that each country has its own standards, and everybody would need to enable and disable other subsets of tiles to fit his own set. and thus i would like to have even more lines in this mod (as long as it doesn't add more conflicts with too many IDs). where i live, we don't have yellow center lines, but instead we have lots of different white lines: single continuous line for "no overtaking", stripes for normal road, and combination of continuous lines with stripes off-center to indicate "overtaking in one direction only" (from the side with the stripes). the current single and double lines can't be used for this purpose since they all are centered and thus don't connect properly. i would need continuous and striped lines that are centered and connect, with additional striped lines offset to the centered continuous line, and several other wider lines (between main road and on/off-ramps), etc ...
thus i think the only solution would be to have very few different tiles for influencing drive assist (one tile to absolutely prefer, one to absolutely avoid, and maybe very few others for different degrees of prefer/avoid). all the other lines should be only optical effects that can be put on top of those few different tiles, eg striped white lines on top of "slightly avoid", continuous white line (or for the US a double yellow line) on top of "absolutely avoid", and blank and other markings and signs on top of "preferred road").
it will be a giant task to do all those changes, but how else would you reduce the number of tiles/IDs significantly and at the same time still keep roads buildable according to many different legal regulations around the world ?
with such a system, maybe even new mods would be possible, eg street markings like the AAI zone markers (arrows etc), that are ignored by simple drive assist systems, but could be used to redirect automatic transport vehcles, similar to what i was shown as an add just before the latest factorio video that i watched: http://www.leo-locative.com/de-de/entdecke-leo/