Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

g Error Assign ID

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Sudden issue between this and alien biomes

Let me know if u need any information from me as im not sure what would help :D

7 years ago

Having the same issue.

Dev please help, love me my roads and alien biomes. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

7 years ago

almost nothing can be done about that problem, except using less mods :-(

maybe not 100% exact, but this is the problem:
as already described in several other threads, there is a hard cap of 255 tiles in factorio which will not be increased by the devs since that would increase the memory usage of each tile by 1 byte (sounds to be not much, but one chunk is 32x32 tiles = 1kb, or 10MB for 100x100 chunks, or 1GB for 1000x1000 chunks). alien biomes uses around 170 tiles, vanilla and asphalt roads 70 each, thus already getting us something like 300 with only vanilla and two mods.
to reduce the problem, alien biomes maps tiles to use less IDs. this results in no longer exceeding the 255 limit, but instead sometimes missing tiles that were "mapped away". on a new map, this works partially, but when vanilla added 2 or 3 tiles recently and/or another mod adds a tile, you hit the limit again and/or alien biomes would need to remap tiles which temporarily might need twice the amount of tiles during migration, etc. thus "suddenly" getting those problems now.

the newest thread ("i need your feedback") in these discussions is about what can/should be done to reduce the number of tiles in this mod. but i think that the problem sooner or later will appear again until some standard for vanilla and all mods is found how to add more tiles without conflicts. until then: just use fewer mods that add lots of tiles (and i say this while loving nice roads through pretty landscapes, but having no problems since i removed alien biomes which accounts for half of all tiles on my old map :-( )

New response