Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

i Asphalt without crude oil !?

7 years ago

finally, i seem to have succeeded in selecting some mods that allow me to play without crude oil (or even on a completely plantless alien planet, thus without forests/coal/oil, provided i get some stacks of raw wood on game start; there is already a mod that does this for forest-less worlds). that raw wood then can be used as fuel, for power poles, and it can be replicated with greenhouses from bob or bio industries, coal is available from bio industries, oil products (except crude oil) from coal liquefaction and/or petrol condensation.
but i didn't find any mod or technology that gives raw oil which currently is needed for asphalt. does anybody know such a mod so that i can use my car on this mod's roads?

since asphalt roads already uses crushed stone when bio industries is used, it would be nice if it would also check for the mod "wood gasification" which has tar as byproduct and provide an alternate (or additional) recipe to make asphalt from tar.

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