Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

b conflicht between Asphalt Roads and Alien Biomes

7 years ago

maybe related to the other thread about "Tile Limit" (it's also a conflict of this mod with Alien Biomes, and it also is related to AssignID or the number of IDs), but a different message ...
i have lots of mods installed and Factorio starts fine. it still starts fine when i add AsphaltRoads_1.1.2 XOR alien-biomes_0.3.7, but when i add both of them, i get this on starting Factorio:

Failed to load mods: Error in AssignID, tile with name 'Arci-marking-white-left-turn-right' does not exist.
Source: Arci-marking-white-left-turn-up (tile).
Mods to be disabled:
- AsphaltRoads
- alien-biomes

7 years ago

Hi Anson_AKB, do you have additional mods installed that add floor tiles (e.g. Dectorio)?
I just tested Asphalt Roads 1.1.2 in conjunction with Alien Biomes 0.3.7 and Factorio started without any errors.

7 years ago

yes, i had lots of mods, some of them for simple QoL, but quite a few to add tiles, eg alien biomes, asphalt roads, dectorio, and also several that at least optically add more tiles (i don't know how they are implemented and whether their latest versions really add many tile types) like AAI zones, textplates, more_colors and more_floors (not yet enabled for 0.16), etc.

in the meantime, i have followed the link to the discussion with posila and i understand the cause of such problems. but it would be nice if mods wouldn't simply give some (for most users) meaningless or misleading error messages and force a restart after disabling all related mods (hehe, i still remember old versions of factorio when factorio only terminated and i myself had to delete mods and/or edit json files to disable them), but instead mods would directly disable themselves, reduce the number of new tiles for a limited usability, or in this case give a message like "too many tile types (>255) while trying to add another 5675 new types".

is there some method to check how many new tiles some mod introduces without the need to dig deep into their source?

7 years ago

there is a new discussion thread for the AlienBiomes mod, in which the effect is explained:

The newest version of AlienBiomes uses a clever(?) trick to reduce the number of tiles to stay under the limit of 255, but that causes some tiles to be removed and no longer be available for modification by scripts, which in turn causes the above error message.
there is also some option to give priority to some tiles (eg from factorissimo2), but i have no idea whether that would be usable for this mod too.

7 years ago

I don't know if this is related to the issues you reported, but apparently alien biomes changes the tile layer of every tile in the game, causing weird glitches if asphalt roads is present at the same time. I'm still trying to figure out a short-term solution to fix these issues. Unfortunately, Alien Biomes way of dismissing surplus tiles silently will (in my opinion) inevitable lead to much more errors in other mods.

The long-term solution would be using simple entities instead of tiles for line marking. But this requires a considerable amount of work and time.

7 years ago

Asphalt Roads work with AlienBiomes if exists Extra Floors

7 years ago

Arcitos thanks for great job with this mod. Since there will be no increase for the prototype limit in the near future, i have a suggestion to work around for the limit.

With base & alien biomes & factorissimo2 there are 203 tiles as i counted correctly.

Asphalt Roads mod has 17 asphalt tile, 24 white markings and 24 yellow markings.
If you move yellow markings to an extention mod, then we can use this mod with the others above.

7 years ago

@DarkElder: "... then we can use ..."
sorry, that applies only to the special case of your selection of mods. i use some more which add only few tiles each, but all together add too many. Alien Biomes uses around 170, and (no matter how pretty the world is with it) not using that mod should result in enough space for me to use lots of other mods with lots of tiles, probably even Dectorio. two conclusions: a more general solution is needed for managing tiles, and I'll play my next game on a desert map without alien trees, without water (having ice ore instead), and without forests/coal/oil/etc (see my question in the next thread).

6 years ago

@Arcitos I would like to submit a request for a mod that has only the base asphalt texture. Is that too much to ask for? I REALLY love how the asphalt looks!! lol :D thanks for the great work!

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

You can try changing the line
type5_tilesets = {" there is something i don't remember what"}
type5_tilesets = {}
in file protypes/tile_n2.lua in the mod's zip file

and delete["Arci-marking-yellow-dl-straight"].enabled = force.technologies["Arci-asphalt"].researched["Arci-marking-yellow-dl-diagonal"].enabled = force.technologies["Arci-asphalt"].researched["Arci-marking-yellow-dl-left-turn"].enabled = force.technologies["Arci-asphalt"].researched["Arci-marking-yellow-dl-right-turn"].enabled = force.technologies["Arci-asphalt"].researched
from migrations/asphalt_roads_1.1.0.lua

I don't know yet if it fully works though
The world loads, but I haven't tried anything more.

New response