Asphalt Roads

by Arcitos

Asphalt pavement for increased vehicle speed. Also includes tiles for lane marking (single and double lines) and various hazard areas.

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

g Tile Limit

7 years ago

I realize there's probably little you can do about any of this, but wanted to bring it to your attention anyway. From whatever combination of changes that have been made between mods and the game, using this mod in combination with the new Alien Biomes beta that's out and Dectorio hits the 255 tile limit.

Again, just wanted to raise this as an FYI though I realize there's probably not much that can be done.

7 years ago

Unfortunately, there is nothing i can do in this case. But feel free to post this problem in the Factorio bug report forum section. If we're lucky, the devs decide to raise the hardcoded limit.

7 years ago

I just noticed, that i was logged on with the account of my brother. The foregoing comment from "SolarOrbiter" is from me.

7 years ago

Ok, we have a problem now. Posila stated that raising the limit is not an option:

We need to somehow coordinate tile id usage between different mods.

7 years ago

The newest version of AlienBiomes uses a clever(?) trick to reduce the number of tiles to stay under the limit of 255. thus this error should no longer appear, but instead some tiles are removed and another error appears, see my bug report in the next thread (which includes a link to the discussion that explains that method and the effect, which in turn includes a hint how to add new "important" tiles to a list so that they are removed last, but no idea whether that might help for this mod) ...

New response