Turret Wagons and Armored Train (T.W.A.T.) forked so it now works with inserters. Fork of https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Armored-train
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 1.0.0 Info: - This is the point at which i forked the project - The waggons now have an inventory. They will give the ammo to the turret
Version: 0.4.6 Info: - Thumbnail fix
Version: 0.4.5 Info: - Changed sprite for radar (Limited Distribution Only Licence of original mod by Earendel)
Version: 0.4.4 Info: - Changelog fix! - Dependencies fix! - Title fix!
Version: 0.4.3 Info: - Update for 1.1 factorio (experimental)
Version: 0.4.2 Info: - Radar platform! (fuel powered) - Icons improved! - Recipes balanced! - Localization (RU, KO auto-translated)
Version: 0.4.1 Info: - Flamethrower turret! - Turret parameters balanced again
Version: 0.4.0 Info: - Cannon turret! (Changes vanilla tank ammo - not to damage player forces) - Projectile offset fixes - Bug when can not exit wagon/platform fixed - Turret parameters balanced
Version: 0.3.13 BETA Info: - Wagon turrets re-implimented (optimised, can accept all types of ammo) - Removed unnecessary items and recipes - Cannon turret in future updates (need to fix sprite offsets) - No migrations, because everything was re-implemented!
Version: 0.3.12 Info: - Update for 1.0
Version: 0.3.11 Info: - Changelog fix
Version: 0.3.10 Info: - Few scripts changes for compatibility with some mods...
Version: 0.3.0 Info: - Mod portal version bug fix.
Version: 0.2.2 Info: - Fixed mask and shadow for locomotive. - Turret range tweaked. - Minor fixes.
Version: 0.2.16 Info: - Fixed shadows and masks for some wagons. - Minor fixes. - P.S. A. Train will be remade in future update. B. Ammo compatibility coming in next update.
Version: 0.2.151 BETA Info: - Fixed graphics for rocket, cannon, minigun platforms/wagons. - Fix for factorio 0.17.34 (See fff #293) Changes: - Cannon platform are no more! Replaced with Cannon Wagon! - Other minor fixes
Version: 0.2.11 BETA Info: - Added rocket turret! Changes: - Speed force of armored locomotive fixed! - Tech and upgrades are fixed! - Minor fixes.
Version: 0.2.0 Info: - This is a BETA version. Changes: - Now there are platforms with turrets/cannons/ etc. In the future they will be modular, you build 1 platform and put (I mean craft) on them whatever you want, even a radar. - Graphics a little bit "strange" (blame Factorio's sprite render-layers), but still looking good. - Added more bugs and glitches.
Version: 0.1.52 Changes: - Fixed Hp and other minor values
Version: 0.1.51 Info: - 0.17. version of game compatibility
Version: 0.1.2 Bugfixes: - Fixed issue with Vehicle Turret mod, now can run both. (Additional testing required) - Fixed technology tree and descriptions. - Minor fixes. Changes: - Migrations are written so no broken saves, and correct map loading. - Removed recipe for rocket turrets. (They are still in game, will add them in future updates as soon as I fix them and add turret cannons) - Added new bugs. (Report if any stuff is broken)
Version: 0.1.11 Bugfixes: - Fixed displayed names. Changes: - Now able to install turret only in minigun wagon, not vanilla one. The vanilla one is working like a storage as it should be. - Expanded selection box so player can repair his turrets.
Version: 0.1.1 Bugfixes: - Fixed sprite bug on startup.
Version: 0.1.0 Info: - Initial release.