Arborium Renewed

by Cordina

Grow your own trees! Automate wood production or grow your own forests.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

i Single Seed item for Autotrash

2 years ago

Hello !
I saw a thread to remove all seed drops, but I am not sure I can change this mid game (or can I?), something I'd like to see, is being able to setup a single Item in the autotrash slot in order to trash all seeds/request all seeds.

Can a logistic network item be created to include any seed, or is it not doable ?

It's rather tedious to setup all 84 seeds in the logistic request to 0.

Thanks !

2 years ago

The setting can be changed mid-game without issues.

1 year, 9 months ago

Decafeiner has a point.

I looked at the settings, and there's not a setting for enabling/disabling catch-all filters for trees & seeds.

Please, for my (and Decafeiner's) sanity, for Filter inserters and similar, there needs to be an "Any Seed" & "Any Tree" option to be selected.

Otherwise it gets very very tedious.

New response