Alien Walls

by vedrit

Humanity has made many great advances, but still looks to nature for inspiration. Thanks to users ThaPear, ratchetfreak, Klonan, and TheBrain0110 for lots of help on the core of this mod. Great work!

1 year, 7 months ago
0.16.51 - 1.1

i Wall linking

3 years ago

would it be possible to link the walls to the old ones please?

3 years ago

When I had made the image update, I had tried having them connect to regular walls, but it wasn't consistent which filler was used so I decided against it, and since the filler and segment linking is the same setting it's all or nothing.

3 years ago

ALSO the wall i placed in the photo is not getting hp back

3 years ago

i think random filler would be kinda cool ngl :P
here is my save for testing again lol

3 years ago

ALSO the wall i placed in the photo is not getting hp back

Yeah, this and walls not upgrading is already fixed in the next version. I'm trying to find out why circuit connections are breaking before I update again.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Alright, I got circuit connections fixed. I think everything is working, so I've pushed an update.
I am a bit concerned that I kept getting errors in places that were previously working, and even after smacking those down. I hope none pop up when others play, but if they do, please let me know so I can fix them.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

will do, maybe you should come play my world lol
its a strange mix of death world and train world, and it seems i get all the bugs 0.0

3 years ago

also also, seems i need to pick up all the walls i placed and place again to enable healing, not a problem for me as i only have 1 line so far :)

3 years ago

also also, seems i need to pick up all the walls i placed and place again to enable healing, not a problem for me as i only have 1 line so far :)

Huh. I guess my attempt to convert old lists to new lists didn't work outside of testing. Hate it when that happens. Well, I have an improvement in mind for healing, so we'll see how things with that.

3 years ago

ALSO ALSO ALSO: think you could add alien gun turrets and lasers maybe with a production type of upgrade?

as in: gun turrets >to> alien gun turrets require the already built gun turret being coated in some alien plate and maybe some ore around the base ?
to force use of the ore as well as the plate

you could also make the hp regen based of your research and the 'Armor/Health' of the turret based of number of plates used ie: 5plate for 2x hp / 25plate for 5x hp

but that setup may require minor visual changes to distinguish the upgraded from normal o.O
or even just a small color switch toward purple for the fully upgraded ones :)

3 years ago

ALSO ALSO ALSO: think you could add alien gun turrets and lasers maybe with a production type of upgrade?

as in: gun turrets >to> alien gun turrets require the already built gun turret being coated in some alien plate and maybe some ore around the base ?
to force use of the ore as well as the plate

you could also make the hp regen based of your research and the 'Armor/Health' of the turret based of number of plates used ie: 5plate for 2x hp / 25plate for 5x hp

but that setup may require minor visual changes to distinguish the upgraded from normal o.O
or even just a small color switch toward purple for the fully upgraded ones :)

That's a good suggestion. There have been complaints that there's too much biomass and not enough to uses for it. As things are, I'd have to have separate graphics for each tier, which I don't want to do, so all the tiers would be visually the same (which is fine since you wouldn't be able to control which tier you're making anyway)
I could probably have costs increase based on tech level. It would be kind of hack-y, and I suspect there might be issues with assemblers

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

well if your looking for use's of the bio mass, first thing that comes to mind is changing its icon from the ore to the old alien artifacts

also you could use your biomass with fish to make both a regen buff (more regen with research and the amount of biomass added)
/ give more healing health (i have a mod that can up max hp)

or even changing some consumable weapons like the mine, to deal no damage but make a small stasis field (no movement from friends to fows)

feedback on my feedback would be good :p
maybe we should chat about some ideas ;)

3 years ago

me again, the gate isn't healing :p

3 years ago

me again, the gate isn't healing :p

So, turns out I didn't have a good understanding of how event filters worked. New update pushed which should fix this, and other potential issues.

3 years ago

thankyou :P

would love some healing items my hp is around 2k right now lol

New response