Alien Walls

by vedrit

Humanity has made many great advances, but still looks to nature for inspiration. Thanks to users ThaPear, ratchetfreak, Klonan, and TheBrain0110 for lots of help on the core of this mod. Great work!

1 year, 7 months ago
0.16.51 - 1.1

i Fireproof & Science packs instead of Biomass

5 years ago

Would be great to have options to make the walls fireproof and remove the biomass drop/craft requirement.
Perhaps using science packs for crafting different tiers of the walls instead of biomass.

I'm getting towards launching a rocket on a deathworld but the biomass drops are too much and my fps/ups is dropping from it. I had to run a script to delete all items on the ground to fix it.

5 years ago

I reduced the drop rate, but I guess it wasn't enough.
I'll reduce it further, and see about having a different set of settings for deathworld

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