Alien Walls

by vedrit

Humanity has made many great advances, but still looks to nature for inspiration. Thanks to users ThaPear, ratchetfreak, Klonan, and TheBrain0110 for lots of help on the core of this mod. Great work!

1 year, 7 months ago
0.16.51 - 1.1

b Error in research

6 years ago

Error while running event AlienWall::on_research_finished (ID 18) AlienWall/control.lua:128: attempt to index field 'player' (a nil value)

Error in playback research
The game is off

6 years ago

Found a fix. Open the mod and go to control.lua, replace line 125 and below with:

script.on_event(, function(event)
local research =
if string.find(research, "alien%-hybrid%-upgrade") then
-- I'm still not sure if it's possible to handle multiple player forces with different tiers, but in theory you'd call the force of the one doing the research here, not player.

6 years ago

Oof, running into the same problem. Looking for where to figure out where the mods are; as searching for control.lua brings up a bunch of listings (and I'm editing in notepad, not in something helpful like vi; so I don't have an indicator of what line I'm on).

5 years ago

This is fixed in the latest version.

5 years ago

Error while running event AlienWall::on_research_finished (ID 18)
AlienWall/control.lua:128: attempt to index field 'player' (a nil value)

still the same problem :/

5 years ago

I'm editing in notepad, not in something helpful like vi; so I don't have an indicator of what line I'm on

"view -> status bar" will toggle a bar with line/column numbers at the bottom
and with "ctrl-G" you can directly goto any line

5 years ago

Error while running event AlienWall::on_research_finished (ID 18)
AlienWall/control.lua:128: attempt to index field 'player' (a nil value)

still the same problem :/

Odd. In the latest version, line 128 in control.lua is " else walltier = global.alienwalltier"
Please make sure you have the latest version and let me know if it persists

5 years ago

is this going to be updated to the latest game version? I am having the same issue but cant update to newest version of mod bcuz its not 'compatible' so instead I have to use some version some other guy has.

5 years ago

New version up. If you guys still run into problems, please let me know where the error is at

New response