Alien Walls

by vedrit

Humanity has made many great advances, but still looks to nature for inspiration. Thanks to users ThaPear, ratchetfreak, Klonan, and TheBrain0110 for lots of help on the core of this mod. Great work!

1 year, 7 months ago
0.16.51 - 1.1

i Future plans

8 years ago

Since Alien Walls has drastically changed in 0.4.0, new possibilities and plans are available. Here's what I have in store for Alien Walls:
Alien Bioconstruct can only be made in assembly machines (The walls and gates can be hand-crafted)
Different wall tiers can be made available (Via research, with different stats. I'm thinking the current wall/gate will be mid-level)
I might fiddle with hybridizing other structures, making it so they can heal over time,but that's a long ways down the road.

What do you guys think?

8 years ago

I like the idea of self healing walls and other items. I think it's a good idea to disallow the mats to be made in hand. I haven't played this mod yet but i understand you have to mine this biomass? Would be cool if it only appeared near alien bases or if it dropped from aliens. Makes it harder to get and rewards you for killing aliens.
I would like to see that high tier walls cost energy to maintain (like the force field walls). Biological structures needs some form of energy to maintain themselves. How about requiring power for these walls to enable them to regenerate?

8 years ago

That was something else I was going to look into; making biomass spawn near bases and drop from aliens and spawners.

2 years ago

Proponuję opcję wyłączenia wypadania z potworów w późniejszych etapach gry jest tego za dużo i spowalnia grę. Proponuję żeby wypadało z baz obcych albo żeby np. wydobywać z zainfekowanej ziemi albo hodować w jakimś nowym budynku.

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