Alchemical Ore Conversion

Convert ores into an unstable isotope, convert that isotope back into an ore of your choice.

10 months ago
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

b Нерабочий мод

10 months ago

(RUS) При загрузке ванили пишет: "Не удалось загрузить следующие моды: Path:Alchemistry_/graphics/entitiy/alchemical-furnace-light.png not matching the resource path pattern: source__path:/___Alchemistry__/graphics/entitiy/alchemical-furnace-light.png"

10 months ago

I'm honestly not sure what's causing this, but it seems like one of the underscores isn't registering correctly. This may be a regional language issue, though I can't say for sure. I'll have a look when I have some free time.

Just for the record - I don't speak Russian so I'm not sure what your actual explanation is. It sounds like you're playing Vanilla, but just to be sure - are you running any other mods?

10 months ago

На каком языке Вы говорите? Да, я играю в "ваниль". Использую моды, которые Category:

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

I speak Bulgarian and English. I can somewhat read Russian, but definitely not fluently.

I've gotten similar reports on other mods. I suspect something about the way Factorio handles custom assets changed, so the game isn't finding its own assets. I'll have to figure out what's going on. The files are still in the archives, it's just the paths have somehow become corrupted.

The game requires "package" declaration to be surrounded by three underscores: Alchemistry. However, it's reading one of those underscores as part of the package name for some odd reason.

10 months ago

Dear Lord... I found the issue. It was a misplaced underscore - three ___ instead of two __. It wasn't erroring out on my end, not sure why. Give the new version a try and see if it works.

New response