Afraid Of The Dark (enforced personal lights + more)

Night is too dark for you? Enforced flashlight and personal lights, powerful balloon lights or a pair of natural tinted night glasses could be the solution!

4 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Update version game 0.18 pls

5 years ago

Update version game 0.18 pls

5 years ago

Generally, I'm waiting a bit to nag. I decided on about a week, so on the 28th I'll start nagging those mods (unlike this one, thanks steinio… even though I'm not using it :D) who haven't been updated. Very lightly though.

5 years ago

Sometimes i just wait until someone asks for an update :)
But seems i must admit everyone jumps to experimental as soon as it gets released and don't stay in stable anymore.

5 years ago


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