Advanced Artillery Remotes Continued

by azaghal

Adds two Advanced Artillery Remotes to the game. Artillery Cluster Remote targets nearby spawners and worms and lays down a carpet of artillery fire against them. Artillery Discovery Remote fires artillery rounds in an arc to assist in map exploration.

1 year, 10 months ago

i [DONE] Add option to use only vanilla type artillery turret when targeting ground

2 years ago

I'm using atomic artillery remote ( for my nuclear artilleries and artillery cluster remote for my normal artilleries.

When I use cluster remote to target enemy nests, it uses only vanilla artilleries. (<- I like this)
But when I use cluster remote to target ground, it uses both vanilla artilleries and atomic artilleries. (<- I don't like this)

It would be nice if I could set it so that when I target ground with cluster remote, it would use only one type of turret. So I would know if I get a big boom or small boom, when I target a lone spitter just next to my minefields...

2 years ago

Hello warbaque,

Hm... That is kinda interesting, since the cluster remote should spawn the vanilla artillery flares that should then not be targeted by the atomic artillery - this is something that is implemented by Atomic Artillery Remote mod itself.

I'll try to reproduce and figure out what is exactly happening. It is very weird that it would behave differently depending on whether it targets enemy nests or just a single point - I would expect both to behave the same with regards to artillery turret selection.

Best regards,

2 years ago

Ok, I found out what the issue is - my mod creates custom artillery flares for some reason, I'll have to look into the code a bit to figure out why exactly (that piece of code came before I forked the mod).

2 years ago

Actually, these custom artillery flares are probably the way to make this thing behave correctly - all I need to do is specify the correct shot category for the custom flares. Additional bonus from this is that I think it will correctly detect number of available turrets for remote (the number that is shown alongside the remote). Going to need some testing first before I release it :)

2 years ago

Sounds great :)

2 years ago

Ok, the feature/change has been released, so give it a test and let me know if it works better now. It was actually a very simple fix - I almost wonder if I broke something earlier during some refactorings :)

2 years ago

Everything seems to work now great :)

Even the number of available artilleries and damage radius is now correct:

2 years ago

Haha, well, when you test things yourself, you sure do test things yourself :D

Glad it worked well, and it will actually be helpful for me as well when I start off with atomic artillery in the future. Closing off the thread as fixed, and thank you once again for reporting the issue :)

Best regards,

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