Advanced Inserters

by Neomore

All electric inserters now have filters. The Filter Inserter is now a Long-Fast Inserter, and the Stack Filter Inserter is now a Long-Stack Inserter. Long inserters are now a separate line of inserters. Recipe costs are slightly more expensive Use with the "Auto Blacklist" mod for best results.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Dependency issues

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Advanced Inserters cannot load if Auto Blacklist is not installed:

With it installed, existing inserters (in an Editor Extensions map) are still on Whitelist mode. Newly crafted ones are in Blacklist mode, which breaks most blueprints using filter inserters. I also understand that Whitelist mode would break most "regular" inserter blueprints.
There's no mod setting or UI button to disable or toggle Blacklist mode. Whitelist mode in blueprints still defaults back to Blacklist:

I think re-enabling unfiltered vanilla inserters and keeping vanilla default Whitelist would be a simpler way to let players choose "regular" inserter behavior.

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