Advanced Artillery Remotes

Adds two Advanced Artillery Remotes to the game. Artillery Cluster Remote finds nearby spawners and worms and lays down a carpet of artillery flares. Artillery Discovery Remote spawns flares in an arc to assist in discovering new chunks.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Update for Factorio 1.1

3 years ago

Hey man great mod. Could you update it for Factorio 1.1?

3 years ago

Great mod! Plllleeeeaaassseeeeee update it for the actual version!


3 years ago


3 years ago

Based on just a little bit of testing, it should be safe to merely bump the version numbers in the mod's info.json. I did run into incompatibility with Shortcuts mod (, but I'll try to address that one over there.

3 years ago

Can you please post the update?

3 years ago

Hello folks,

I have ended-up creating a (friendly) fork at .

The idea is to make the fork somewhat more viable long-term as well, and for this purpose I have set-up a project repository on Github, as well as imported all the previous archive-only releases for historic purposes.

The fix to make the mod work is, as I mentioned above, trivial, so I don't expect any issues (but always backup your savegame, of course).

Best regards

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