Additional turrets

Adds more turrets and shells.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Incompatible with Space Exploration 0.5.97

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Crashes on start-up.

12.146 Error ModManager.cpp:1577: Failed to load mod "space-exploration": Value (function) can't be saved in property tree at
stack traceback:
[C]: in ?


Scratch that, Space Exploration just "fixed" it on their end with 0.5.98

2 years ago

NM, this should be fixed on the latest space exploration update. You should probably set all of your blank functions to local, as you always seem to re-define them when you use them, and blank is a fairly generic name for a global function another mod might call by mistake.

2 years ago

Do I just need to replace blank with local or do I need to change something in the code as well?

2 years ago

it should be fixed on our end, but in general if you're making a function that's only useful inside this particular file, especially if it has a generic name, make it a local
function foo (para)...
local function foo (para)...

2 years ago

I have only ported the mod I have no idea what the mod creator has done everything back then^^

New response