Additional turrets

Adds more turrets and shells.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Integration with addons

5 years ago

Hi, DarkNova
I have use this mod but in some situation and I have done a bit modifications to the damages dealt by turrets (in cases of other mods that add better enemies).
Because I got confused by this mod:
That is another porting of "Additional turrets" I ask to that guy about integrate my addon:
That is implemented on ur mod, and I want ask the same to u (for deprecate it at the end). So if I or other got confused will have the options available anyway.
Thank u for attention.

5 years ago

ill take a gander at this, i think the original plan was to link the damage to the 3 damage type infinite tech's, not sure if i got to that though

5 years ago

I have a feeling with the changes i made, that this problem may no longer be a problem, an updated version with your settings options should be along soon, along with the integration of damage into the vanilla damage tech's

5 years ago


5 years ago

Thank u <3

5 years ago

let us know how the balance is.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I don't have understand if u ask this to me, anyway, I think a x3 or x4 is needed for rampart with medium difficulty.
But the good new is that now u can customize it!

New response