Total Automization - RTS Rebalance

Add RTS units and deployment mechanics.

4 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Aircraft drones

3 years ago

Heya, thanks for this!

I see that Aircraft Drones is a optional dependency for this..I'm curious if you have an updated version of it? I changed the version, and everything works (even your clone integration..which is awesome!!) but I crash when I build a runway :\

Trying to use the Aircraft Drones mod on 1.1, changed the version and everything functions up until you place an runway. Receive a non recoverable error

"Error while running event AircraftDrones::on_tick (ID 0)
Key "index" not found in property tree at ROOT.parameters
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'newindex'
__AircraftDrones/plane_controller.lua:105: in function 'manage_runways'
AircraftDrones/control.lua:396: in function <AircraftDrones/control.lua:376>"

3 years ago

im found possible fix. on AircraftDrones/plane_controller.lua:105 change this:
r.control.parameters = r.signals
for that
r.control.parameters = r.signals.parameters

this fix need tests. sorry my english
Changed 'control_behavior.parameters.parameters' to just 'control_behavior.parameters' for LuaDeciderCombinatorControlBehavior, LuaConstantCombinatorControlBehavior, and LuaArithmeticCombinatorControlBehavior.

Temp fix file.

3 years ago

im found possible fix. on AircraftDrones/plane_controller.lua:105 change this:
r.control.parameters = r.signals
for that
r.control.parameters = r.signals.parameters

this fix need tests. sorry my english
Changed 'control_behavior.parameters.parameters' to just 'control_behavior.parameters' for LuaDeciderCombinatorControlBehavior, LuaConstantCombinatorControlBehavior, and LuaArithmeticCombinatorControlBehavior.

Temp fix file.

This works for me! Thank you so much :) I looked for quite a while but I have no understanding of LUA.. Thank you again!!

3 years ago

Grumble grumble sodding other mods grumble grumble.

Would either of you like to republish aircraft drones for maintanence? (It's under an MIT license, so you can legally do that. I've already got too many mods to maintain or I'd do it myself)

Let me know if you do and I'll update the dependency.

New response