Total Automization - RTS Rebalance

Add RTS units and deployment mechanics.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

i tanks are very underpowered

3 years ago

scout buggys are very powerful for their material cost, and I feel they shouldn't be combat units, more hit and run vehicles and better for scouting. Given the investment in research and materials into tanks, they seem oddly underpowered by comparison, while they should be slow and very powerful

3 years ago

The scout car is meant to be a fast scout vehicle, and its gun is more-or-less a dual pistol on yellow ammo with an even slower firing rate. I want it to be able to take a few small biters by itself, but I could reduce its firepower...

The tank isn't really meant to do all that much damage to biters (its not a super-unit like the spidertron), it's more meant to be a massive pile of HP to soak damage for the other units. Maybe I should increace its resistances? Its weapon is the standard cannon shell, which I generally find quite powerful when I'm using it in a manual tank.

I'll admit that I haven't tested them extensively under truely mass production, but anything under mass production will favour the cheaper option. That's just how mass production works.

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