Brief Summary
Endgame research productivity scaling.
Basic Description
This mod adds AI cores, buildings which consume electricity but provide a productivity bonus to all research labs.
Major Features
- AI cores, which are described above.
- Technologies which increase how powerful AI cores are.
- The productivity bonus takes some time to build up.
- If AI cores are destroyed or if the power runs out, the productivity bonus goes away.
- Diminishing returns.
- The research productivity bonus stacks additively with productivity modules.
Minor Features
- Per-map settings to adjust how strong AI cores are--within reason.
- Per-player settings to adjust how many decimal places the numbers in the GUI will show.
- 1 new achievement. I suspect most of you don't care about achievements, but I put it in the mod anyways.
Mod Compatibility
- This mod should be compatible with most other mods that add research productivity. But it's untested.
- This mod should be safe in multiplayer. But it's untested.
Can I add this to an existing game?
Yes, with no downsides.
- English
There is a dedicated changelog section on the mod portal page. Read it there.