KILL ALIENS FOR BOOST Give extra technologies and weapons with alien recipes. Try it for fun. Gifts : ° techno joker fiole : incolor substance ; mix this substance with an colored fiole and you got a lot of fiole with this color. ° five techno for lab speed (max +1250%) ° five techno for robot speed (max +1500%) ° five techno for robot storage (max +10) ° one weapon and two munition for frost/defrost enemies ° crazy autonomy : uranium fuel cell alien : 8TJ ; ° crazy speed : nuclear fuel alien 8TJ (4x Acceleration; 2x SpeedMax) ; nice with aircraft mod ° possibility to use biter flesh of EndGame / Natural Evolution Enemies / Schall Alien Tech with an additional mod : AAA for EndGame / AAA for Natural Evolution Enemies / AAA Compatible Alien Tech
Mods introducing new content into the game.
## 0.1.6 ## + compatibility with 1.1 ## 0.1.5 ## + compatibility with 0.18 ## 0.1.4 ## + balance weapons ## 0.1.3 ## + compatibility with 0.17 ## 0.1.2 ## + alien flask : jocker fiole ## 0.1.1 ## patch minor bug + five techno for speed lab ## 0.1.0 ## + new alien artefact + recipe for craft erlenmeyer /!\ indepandence of Endgame (bite flesh of EndGame is useless for the moment) ## 0.0.9 ## + item nuclear fuel alien 8TJ (4.5x Acc; 2.15x SpeedMax) + balancing uraniumFuelCellAlien recipe ## 0.0.8 ## + erlenmeyer blue + technologies erlenmeyer blue + uranium-processing_alien + uraniumFuelCellAlien 8000 GJ (=8 TJ) + uranium-360 + balancing erlenmeyer recipes + fix bug ## 0.0.7 ## change term "fiole" by "erlenmeyer" ## 0.0.6 ## + five technologies for enhance the speed of robot + five technologies for enhance the storage of robot ## 0.0.5 ## + fluid weapon + two fluids : frost fluid and defrost fluid ## 0.0.4 ## + fiole 3 + techno name fixe + try stat balancing ## 0.0.3 ## + minor bug ## 0.0.2 ## + technology ## 0.0.1 ## + Initial release