I see... apparently there is a mod that changes the icon structure of vanilla belts, since I just copy the icon from the base belts.
Do you mind sending a mod list so I can try and trace it down?
oh, i think i know what it might be: belt reskin. and now i have black rubber belts in it's place. i'll try it without either
edit: it seems incompatible with stacked even though it doesn't change anything but stack sizes
edit 2: hold on, it's artisanal reskins doing it
ok, so it is artisanal reskins causing the crash. at least it has settings to disable the belt changes
edit: ok so it's just entirely incompatible, unfortunately
edit 2, electric boogaloo: stacked is compatible. have no idea why it was taking that down with it, but, oh well
0.0.5 has been published. It works with Artisanal Reskins, turns out I'm bad at modding and I was creating the new belts in the wrong place. It should be much more compatible now.