Nerd alert! Are you tech savvy? Know your way around computers? read about how Factorio mods work? Then you might be able to find your way to a file called "config.lua" in the mod. Here you can easily tweak the mod a bit. Make sure to back it up, as it might get lost during an update later on.
Below I'll describe the configuration options:
-- Swap inlets (water & crude oil).
refinery_swap_inlets = false
-- How much polution the refinery causes
refinery_pollution = 0.01 / 1.5
-- How much energy the refinery uses
refinery_energy_usage = "330kW"
-- How many modules can be placed in each factory
refinery_module_slots = 5
-- How fast the refinery produces
refinery_crafting_speed = 4
-- Since 1.0.2 the specialized refineries have slightly different graphics than the
-- original refineries in game. If you set the value below to 'true'
-- it looks the same again as a regular refinery
refinery_vanilla_graphics = false
-- The ingredients it requires to create a specialized refinery
refinery_create_required_materials = {
{"oil-refinery", 1},
{"steel-plate", 2},
{"iron-gear-wheel", 4},
{"advanced-circuit", 1},
{"pipe", 1}
-- Time it takes to create a refinery using the resources above
refinery_create_required_time = 20
-- In the process water is used by default. But you could disable it if you want.
refinery_requires_water = true
-- How much water is used in the process
refinery_water_usage_per_batch = 4
-- How much crude oil does it cost to make petroleum
refinery_crude_oil_per_petroleum_batch = 15
-- How much petroleum you get for the crude oil above
refinery_petroleum_per_batch = 15
-- Time it takes to create petroleum from crude oil
refinery_petroleum_time_per_batch = 5
-- How much crude oil does it cost to make light oil
refinery_crude_oil_per_lightoil_batch = 15
-- How much light oil you get for the crude oil above
refinery_lightoil_per_batch = 15
-- Time it takes to create light oil from crude oil
refinery_lightoil_time_per_batch = 5
-- How much crude oil does it cost to make heavy oil
refinery_crude_oil_per_heavyoil_batch = 15
-- How much heavy oil you get for the crude oil above
refinery_heavyoil_per_batch = 15
-- Time it takes to create heavy oil from crude oil
refinery_heavyoil_time_per_batch = 5
-- The technology takes 10 seconds to research by default, feel free to change
technology_time_to_research = 10
-- The technology requires 1 of each science pack (red vial, blue vial and green vial)
technology_required_materials = {
{"science-pack-1", 1},
{"science-pack-2", 1},
{"science-pack-3", 1}