by npo6ka

FNEI mod. All recipes for items and usage for them.

3 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
7 years ago
Latest Version:
0.4.5 (3 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.15 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
317K users

Factorio NEI mod.

I would like to hear your remarks, advice and wishes on the Forum, on the Portal Mod (Discussion tab) or on the Github.

This mod will help you find all the recipes to create the selected item.
Also you can see the use of the selected item.

Recipe information for the item or liquid contains:
- Name and icon for recipe
- Recipe switching panel, if there are several. Also contains the icon about the item or the fluid for which the search is performed
- Ingredients and results for the recipe
- buildings in which this recipe can be installed
- What technologies open this recipe.

How to use the mod?

0) You can open the mod by clicking on the FNEI button in the upper left corner or by pressing ctrl + E
1) Then you need to choose for items or for liquid you need to look recipes. In this example, the search is for an item. Click on the appropriate choose-button
2) Select the required item
3) Choose what you want to see: recipes where the item is used as an ingredient (Usage button) or as a product (Craft button)
4) In order not to constantly press the same button (point 3), you can select the default button by ticking the corresponding checkbox. After installing the checkbox, immediately after selecting the item (point 2) you will receive a Recipe / Usage for the selected item.

Alternative search

This search is performed by in-game names and may not display certain items. Please use the previous search method in this case.
1) Select the "FNEI search" tab
2) Enter the name of the item or liquid
3) We hover the mouse over the found item or liquid and press the right or left mouse button. Recipes where the item or fluid is used as an ingredient (Right mouse button) or as a product (Left mouse button). By analogy, you can open recipes for items and liquids displayed in gui recipes (first picture in this description).


open gui:

Ctrl + E

Previous recipe:


Back to search

Ctrl + Backspace

Select recipe:

left click = recipes of the selected item
right click = usage of the selected item