Max Rate Calculator

Calculates maximum consumption/production rates of assemblers, plants, etc. Current version 200.0.49 supports Space Age but NOT anything to do with Quality - that's on the way. Also, idle Recyclers present 0.0 for each product quantity. Active recyclers are ok.

4 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
7 years ago
Latest Version:
200.0.53 (4 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.15 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
141K users

Provides a selection tool (default hotkey is ctrl-n), which when used to select a set of machines, calculates the maximum possible rate of items consumed and produced by those machines. These rates are displayed in a GUI window on the left side of the Factorio window, in various rate units. Items which appear as both inputs and outputs have net change calculation shown as well. (Does not calculate actual rates, for that see the excellent EfficienSee mod.)

Current version 200.0.49 supports Space Age but NOT anything to do with Quality - that's on the way.
Also, idle Recyclers present 0.0 for each product quantity. Active recyclers are ok.

Includes module and beacon effects. It's not necessary to select the beacons, just the machines affected by them.

For centrifuging uranium ore, it approximates the output, based on the probability and quantity range of results.

A note about smelters - if there is nothing to smelt in the smelter, I don't have a recipe, so I can't display rates for it.