Space Extension Mod (SpaceX)

Greatly extend the end game requiring multiple launches and massively increased science. Requires 40+ launches, and of a variety of new components. The goal is to build a vessel capable of getting you off the planet and home safely. Updated graphics courtesy of Steinerrr. Russian translation courtesy of Zerggurat.

7 months ago
0.13.7 - 1.1

b Tiny conflict with usefulbyproducts mod

7 years ago
This mod contains fuel cell, the author called so this entity as fuel cell and he has just the same name as well as the rocket fuel block? i installed this mod before ur mod and game thinks that it rocket fuel block from ur mod
The stack size fgrom his mod is 50, and when I try to change something in my inventory ur fuel cells with 1 stack size dropping out
So i qant to say there conflict with entity names

7 years ago

I am glad that you consider this a "tiny" conflict. If I were to try and do something about this in my mod, I run the risk of interfering with the progress of games in progress or worse. As this can involve 100+ hours of game play, I am not prepared to run this risk.

I will add that in my test play through of the bob's mods integration, I did not find myself with surplus sodium hydroxide, so it may not make much sense running these two mods together in any event.

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