Research queue

Allows players to queue research, view research by required science packs, and automatically queue prerequisites for desired tech. Special thanks to Chrisgbk for 0.16 update.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

b Fails to work when alien artifacts are restored

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I currently play with Bob's mods. When turning alien artifacts back on, the mod will display an error trying to find the old icon in the base game.

In bob's enemies, the icon is located here:

name = "alien-artifact",
icon = "bobenemies/graphics/icons/alien-artifact.png",

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

got the same problem D: hope some1 will make a fix for it

7 years ago

I made a fixed version of this mod, get it as attachment in this forum post.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

i have the same issue but it doesn't seem to be a bob's conflict. the issue only happens for me when using seablock and it's dependencies. to the author, i absolutely love your mod. please fix this.

edit: i also notified the author of angel's mods because the message i get shows angel's petrochem or angels bio as the culprit. with all other mods activated (well over 100) removing RQ solves the issue.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I made a fixed version of this mod, get it as attachment in this forum post.

thank you for the fix. it clears the issue with alien artifacts but now this mod causes a conflict with dark matter replicators. something about icon size. any ideas?

edit: easy fix for dark matter replicators. edit each icon to 64x64 manually using something like gimp/photoshop.

New response