Copy Settings Tool (paste-multiple settings at once)

This area selection tool is an extension of the classical copy-paste settings feature, that allows multiple paste on a group of objects in one operation, but also selectively wiping their settings.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14
Unnamed license
7 years ago
Latest Version:
1.0.5 (7 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.13 - 0.14
Downloaded by:
6 users

For details, complete screenshots, discussion, suggestions, questions or bug reports, please use the dedicated thread on the forum (link above), because there is no email notifications on this portal for the moment.


1.0.4 - use the new filter_slot_count instead of bad pcall...
1.0.3 - extand to selection tool to any-entity, not only buildable, so that can work on train schedules.
- filter out rails from copy selection, in order to easily select train and train stops.
1.0.2 - suppress the classic shit-right-mouse copy added in v1.0.1,
to allow a new and more useful feature : "wipe all settings"
If your CST clipboard is empty (to do this, you must shift-select-area an empty zone), and then
if you multiple paste on a group of objects, you will be ask if you want to wipe their settings
and what kind of settings you want to wipe.
- add a hotkey (Alt-V) for grabbing any Copy Settings Tool in your inventory. This key is
customisable in Factorio menu options/controls/mods.
1.0.1 - now the copy can also be done with the classic shift-right-mouse on one single object.
the copy with the shift-area of the Copy Settings Tool still works : so you have
now two ways to copy.
But the clipboard of the Copy Settings Tool has the priority if it is not empty.
To empty it, you can shift select an empty area.
1.0.0 - initial release