Zombies Extended Machines

ZombiesExtended Machines adds all new High Tier Machines.

2 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Mod Error

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I'm still playing on 1.0 until the new versions are stable.

I was wondering if we could please get a new/fixed version of the 1.0 mod to fix the below problem;


It's the only thing stopping me continuing a save I have that's got 100+ hours in it, this mod is too vital to my base to do recovery otherwise.

3 years ago

Did this come up from a new mod being added?

3 years ago

I don't believe so; I'm attempting to reload the mod list after my computer crashed and wiped all my mods. I've managed to narrow it down to confirm that running just the machines mod is what causes it by the look of it.

3 years ago

Sorry for the delay, if you can get me a list of mods or even the old save, I might be able to work something out.

3 years ago


Here's the save. And no problem. Cheers for taking a look at this, I know no one else will use it probably but it'll save me a 110 hr in restart.

3 years ago

I am sorry about the stuff around, tbh I have been away from factorio for the last two weeks, and only just got to see you had replied. I am assuming now that 1.1 is stable your all good to update? If your still having issues on the latest version, shoot me a save. I will keep an eye out for the emails over the next few days as well just in case.

3 years ago

Now 1.1 is stable I'll update and see if I can get everything working. Thanks for taking the time though Zombie, I appreciate it.

New response