zee Lime's Uniform Research Time

by zeeLime

All technologies now have the same research time. Having stable SPM consumption rate is no longer PITA!

a month ago
a month ago
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0.1.0 (a month ago)
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zee Lime's Uniform Research Time

All technologies now have the same research time. Having stable SPM production rate is no longer PITA!


Let's take "Low density structure" research, for example. It's research cycle is 45 seconds. That means you need to be producing 60/45=1.33 SPM (science per minute) to research it non-stop. Or 13.33 SPM, if you have 10 labs.

Then we have "Electric engine", whose cycle duration is 30s. Which means now we need 20 SPM, and 13.33 no longer satisfy our needs.

And then "Engine" - 15s, 40 SPM. Hä?..

It's a mess, isn't it?.. How the hell are you supposed to plan your production properly in this chaos??? jackie_chan_wtf_meme.jpg

At the moment of writing, Factorio Space Age v2.0 has 243 tecnologies, with 9805s research time total. Fastest of which taking as low as 5 seconds/cycle, and all the way up to 2 minutes/cycle. This gives average research cycle duration of 40s, and 30s median. In fact, 113 technologies (almost half) have 30s cycle duration. Throw in some mods into the mix and these numbers can change wildly.


This mod allows you to choose 1 of 3 approaches to solve this problem:

  1. Change all tech research cycle time to a fixed value of 30s. Which means you'll need exactly 2 SPM with 1 lab, 20 SPM with 10 labs, 200 SPM w/ 100 labs, and so on, no matter which research you're currently researching. (NOTE: don't forget to factor in the bonuses from "Lab research speed" research, modules, and quality bonuses!!)
  2. Use a rounded average of all tech cycle times: new_research_time = round(all_technologies_total_research_time / total_technologies_count) (calculated dynamically based on installed mods. For SA without mods it's ~40s)
  3. Use median average (calculated dynamically based on installed mods. For SA without mods it's 30s)

This mod does not give you an option to set your own value, though. This is not the intention of this mod, there are other mods that do that.