Yuoki Industries - (Fixes & Integrations by JATMN)

by jatmn

Various Bug fixes for Yuoki (Recipes, Icons, Typo's, etc...) Also includes QOL changes by JATMN Mod Integrations: - Angel's Bioprocessing, Refining, Smelting, Petrochemical Processing... - Bob's Electronics, Adjustable Inserters, Modules, Ore's, Vehicle Equipment... - Pyanodons Industry, Raw Ores - Krastorio 2 - 248k - more to come..

1 year, 27 days ago

i MK2's ? Ore Mixing?

1 year, 28 days ago

I have been considering the following ideas and would love feedback.

Some I could make as settings you can turn on and off in the mod to not completely impact your gameplay style or active saves.. but some would fully break recipes etc in active saves which is why I have not done the changes/additions yet..

For most of these, I already did some proof of concept on the full redo mod for Yuoki that I was trying to do (that proved to be way more than I had time for)

Lots of the ideas come from playing K2, bob&angles, and even FE++

  • MK2 class crusher and electric press machines.. this would also break active factory recipes at least if you have malls crafting the standard machines as I would rework the recipes for the "MK1" machines.. also was considering even a MK3 tier. not sure.
    My playthru's often end up with excessive amounts of beacons (1,000's) trying to boost the heck out of the press machines which feel just ever so slightly underpowered in the late game when you're pairing them with max tier belts etc.

  • Ore Mixing/boosting, sorta like bob&angles ores sorting.. but doing things like mixing N7 and Iron Ore in different ratios could end up with a + ore output boost of one or the other.. as well as cause some waste product. maybe more stone or a chance of slag? etc.

  • In the early game be it Vanilla or even with overhaul mods.. the Yuoki Pure Iron and Pure Copper washing processes are quite nice ways to boost iron and copper plate production early game.. my mod already added support for Angels smelting recipes to be able to use pure's in place of ingots as well.
    But I was considering an additional tier of "pure" to boost them a bit more for the late game as you can often find yourself not continuing with Pure's later as ingots and mixing processes make them a bit obsolete in some mod combinations.

  • Reworking Yuoki module recipes the max tire modules oddly don't use the immediate tier before in their recipes which causes a lot of module waste in later gameplay. Additionally, sometimes the max tier modules are not always as good as modules in other overhaul mods later..

  • Reworking recipes for intermediates and adding more cross-integration for K2 and bob&angle play.. so that their machines and recipes require some Yuoki intermediates (and vise versa)? The problem with this is a balance factor.. I don't have any research trees done up (not even sure how to approach that progression) and mods that do research trees I would have to flag as incompatible because you could end up with progression blocks unless they reworked their mods to support these updates. Maybe add more science packs(science cards) recipes that use Yuoki resources or rework current cross-mod integrations to require Yuoki resources?

  • There is various aspects as well in Yuoki that kinda does not make sense to me as they appear to be incomplete or broken in concept since they were introduced vs where the current state of Factorio is in now after 1.x release. (most of Yuoki's mods work is very very pre 1.0 release)

  • Also what other mods are people playing these days with Yuoki that currently do not have any integration or (broken recipes) with Yuoki.. Adding support for SE is kinda a no-go as SE just flags Yuoki as incompatible..

I have additional ideas as well.. but not put much work into drafting them out yet because again as with many of the above, it kinda completely overhauls how the Yuoki mods operate and interacts with other mods..

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