Derringer's Cross-Compatibility: Bob's Vehicle Equipment

Cross-compatibility patch to help Bob's Vehicle Equipment work with other modded vehicles. Currently supports AAI and Aircraft vehicles.

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Bots deploy once, then never again

3 years ago

Bots deploy from my crawler robot train once upon stopping, then never again unless I move the train. I have about 600 "missing material" alerts around the map if that's relevant. Really looking to get a train that can actually build stuff!

3 years ago

That is relevant. Connected or not, your construction roboports share a single construction manager that iterates through ghosts at a limited pace, and the more ghosts you have on the map the longer it may take for construction robots to be dispatched. 600 "missing material" alerts are a pretty strong indication that your construction manager is overloaded and will not dispatch bots in a timely manner.

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