Problem :
Mod is (as for now) incompatible with "platforms" mod. (at least I believe so, as factorio asked me to disable this mod, and after disabling platforms mod problem disapeared)
Explaination : Bunch of bad assumptions. Some of my next comments explained problem from code perspective
because of how "find_replace_graphics" function works, and because of *something* in "platforms mod" - xander mod replaces *some* graphic path, but does not replace it's declared size causing error of "failed to load mods : The given sprite rectangle is outside actual sprite size" type.
Platforms mod replaces landfill tech. Maybe it replaces some 32x texture with 64x texture (perhaps tech small icon?), than this mod comes and replaces path to some image that is of 32x size, but actual size (now) is already 64x .
To be more exact here's complete error message :
16.131 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: The given sprite rectangle (left_top=0x0, right_bottom=64x64) is outside the actual sprite size (left_top=0x0, right_bottom=32x32).
If this is being used as an icon you may need to define the icon_size property.: __platforms__/graphics/icons/platform.png
Mods to be disabled:
• xander-mod (3.6.1)
*as I stated previously - disabling platforms mod instead of what factorio recommends me to disable - worked for me (and it's not big deal for me) but this error in general could be worrisome and/or I would prefer to use platforms mod if possible. Thus I'm reporting it here.
I hope my report will help you find solution rather quickly.