Xander Mod

An extensive overhaul, emphasizing detailed and realistic chemistry, materials, and production. Extends the base game to marathon-style complexity.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Wood resin?

6 years ago

I cannot seem to find where/ how to craft resin. I have the tech unlocked, but none of the machines available to me can make it, and i cannot craft it in hand as it requires steam. ???

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Latest mod version (1.2.1) seems to have broken resin crafting. Excellent mod by the way! Loving it!

6 years ago

Thats too bad, I was enjoying it - soo complex :)

6 years ago

I'm sure Repofme1 will fix it, maybe in the next release. In the meantime, going back to version 1.2.0 should bring back resin crafting.

6 years ago

I think, i have a fix, if you feel like editing code files ;) posted in the forum

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Jodokus31, thanks! I'll check it out...
EDIT: Yes, that seems to have done the trick, thanks again!

6 years ago

My fix broke the "standard etched board" crafting. Added a new fix to my fix in the forum:
data.raw["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].crafting_categories = {"basic-chemistry", "chemistry"}

New response