Electrified Stone Furnace

Stone furnace which uses less polluting electricity instead of burnable fuel, for pure electric starter factory Crafted from the basic stone furnace, so those can be recycled into electric version.

3 years ago

g SE 0.6 compatibility

2 years ago


Space exploration moved Coke & Silicon recipes to a different crafting category called kiln which make recipes disappear from some furnaces.
The recipes are allowed to show up in several basic furnaces, like the Stone furnace, Steel furnace and Electric Furnace.

Would it be possible for you to add the new crafting category to this furnace?

The change was made for some balancing reason it seems, to create a cruder processing pipeline in SE 0.6 without benefits of better furnaces.
In the meantime I patched my local copy so that your Electrified Stone Furnace can handle Coke, etc. as one would expect from a basic furnace.

I simply ended up adding a line below elstfu = util... in elfurnace.lua like so:
table.insert(elstfu.crafting_categories, "kiln") -- SE 0.6 compat
which makes your mod work as expected with SE 0.6 loaded.

Best Regards,

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