Woc Pack 2

Another modpack that I am playing with a friend. Fixes some incompatibilities with the mods and includes dependencies for all mods

Mod packs
1 year, 11 months ago
This mod 83 From other mods 10
Dependency types:
Default 83 Required 83 Conflict 0 Optional 0 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 13.3M
alien-biomes 590K
alien-biomes-hr-terrain 200K
angelsaddons-cab 77.0K
angelsaddons-mobility 88.7K
angelsaddons-storage 167K
angelsbioprocessing 176K
angelsexploration 51.7K
angelsindustries 102K
angelsinfiniteores 106K
angelspetrochem 197K
angelsrefining 201K
angelssmelting 193K
auto-research 54.6K
AutoDeconstruct 265K
belt-balancer-performance 30.9K
beltSorter 38.9K
bobassembly 257K
bobclasses 93.1K
bobelectronics 240K
bobenemies 243K
bobgreenhouse 171K
bobinserters 328K
boblibrary 389K
boblogistics 288K
bobmining 252K
bobmodules 231K
bobores 253K
bobplates 251K
bobpower 261K
bobrevamp 215K
bobtech 230K
bobvehicleequipment 180K
bobwarfare 258K
BottleneckLite 129K
clock 49.4K
crafting_combinator 20.6K
DiscoScience 194K
even-distribution 368K
factorio-reach 12.5K
Factorissimo2 219K
factoryplanner 231K
far-reach 172K
flib 783K
GDIW 47.1K
InfiniteInventory 19.2K
informatron 564K
InserterFuelLeech 65.2K
LogisticTrainNetwork 248K
LSlib 59.9K
LtnManager 100K
MaxRateCalculator 123K
miniloader 188K
more-miniloaders 11.6K
MoreScience 1.69K
MoreScience-ScienceCostTweakerExtension 675
Nanobots 183K
PickerAtheneum 29.3K
PickerBeltTools 7.02K
PickerBlueprinter 5.88K
PickerDollies 49.8K
PickerExtended 22.6K
PickerInventoryTools 9.48K
PickerPipeTools 6.61K
PickerPipeTools_Revisited 661
PickerTweaks 5.26K
PickerVehicles 3.86K
QuickItemSearch 57.4K
RateCalculator 225K
RecipeBook 202K
recursive-blueprints 29.5K
reskins-angels 98.3K
reskins-bobs 107K
reskins-compatibility 95.2K
reskins-library 112K
rusty-locale 70.3K
ScienceCostTweakerM 77.7K
Shortcuts-ick 43.1K
Squeak Through 462K
StatsGui 107K
stdlib 397K
Todo-List 213K
tree_collision 80.3K
Last dependency data update: 20 hours ago (for v0.0.1)