Wireless Signals

Adds radio equipment that can transmit circuit network signals over long distances.

7 years ago
0.15 - 0.16
Circuit network

b Repeater looping with eachother

6 years ago

I'm using your mod for quite some time but after the update that introduced the repeaters I haven't played much factorio to test it out. Got to play it this week and noticed that when we put repeaters close to eachother they get caught in an endless loop lagging hard and scrambling the signals around.

My network consists of:
- a central train station that receives the network signals from the wireless towers and will trigger trains based on the ammount of black signals they're receiving.
- all the outposts sends 1 black signal when they need the train on them, doesn't matter how far away they are.

Since the update that introduced the repeaters, I cannot make that type of network to work anymore as the central station is too far from the transmitters and when I place down the repeater it'll loop endlessly on the network lagging out untill I remove it or the signal is gone.

5 years ago

same problem here.

New response