What is it really used for?

A tool to help you find out where items and fluids come from and where they are used. This is a fork of the original 'What is it used for?' by Mr Doomah, updated for newer Factorio versions and with additional features. Russian translation by Schmarotzer. Japanese translation by shiru_tan.

4 months ago
0.15 - 2.0

g Incompatiblity with Transport Drones mod

4 years ago

Due to the way Transport Drones (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Transport_Drones) works, What Is It Really Used For shows petrolium as a component for literally every item in the game.

This is not ideal. Would it be possible to blacklist anything in the crafting category transport-drone-request?

4 years ago

FNEI has settings where it's possible to enable/disable specific crafting categories. Sounds like something this mod could also benefit from. (I've never tried this mod honestly so I don't know if maybe it exists already)

4 years ago

It doesn't have it, no. Which kinda sucks, considering that we were using FNEI until it started desyncing.

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