Water Belts

by RedRafe

Simply allows belts to be placed on water. Additional settings to allow electric poles, pipes, rails, roboports, radars, inserters and turrets too.

1 year, 11 months ago

b [Solved] Various issues

2 years ago

Water Belts seems to break Crafting Combinator: https://imgur.com/a/ycz5j87
Checking rails in Water Belts while similar mods (Beautiful Bridge Railway, Schall Overseas Railway) are enabled causes rails to not be placeable on water.
Train stops and (Deadlock's) loaders/beltboxes can't be placed on water. Either more checkboxes or an item name field in mod settings would be great.

2 years ago

Water Belts seems to break Crafting Combinator: https://imgur.com/a/ycz5j87
Checking rails in Water Belts while similar mods (Beautiful Bridge Railway, Schall Overseas Railway) are enabled causes rails to not be placeable on water.
Train stops and (Deadlock's) loaders/beltboxes can't be placed on water. Either more checkboxes or an item name field in mod settings would be great.

Thanks, interesting... I'll take a look into it! :)

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hi, sorry for the late reply. I've got the chance to rewrite the code and I belive I've fixed 99% of the problems for the current version (v0.1.3). As you can see from the link, Craft Combinator, Beautiful Bridge Railways, Schall's Overseas Railways, and Deadlock's stackers can be placed on water/shallow water/ground. Only deadlock's loaders dont work on water for now, I'll see what I can do about that, I'll post a compatibility issue for that, but vanilla loaders works too!

testing issues for update v0.1.3

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