5 years ago


Version: 1.2.5
Date: 13.11.2019
    - Harvester deploy typo x2 (?)
    - Harvesters now ignore planet-side logistics/construction robots when deployed
Version: 1.2.4
Date: 13.11.2019
    - Fixed a divide by zero error
    - Harvester deploy typo (?)
Version: 1.2.3
Date: 13.11.2019
    - Made "invisible" radars unminable
    - Removed warpstation, warppipe and harvesters from circuit signals menu
    - Added blacklists to harvesters
    - Vehicles are now teleported between surfaces instead of cloned (AAI vehicles compatability). Not yet added to harvesters.
    - Players are no longer teleported through platform teleporters if they are in a vehicle.
    - Optimized teleporter code to save frames
    - 10,000 Downloads Special: Compatibility with NewGamePlus courtesy of Bilka <3
Version: 1.2.2
Date: 31.10.2019
    - Added ability_used and ticktime to remote events
    - Added remote functions to recall the harvesters and teleporter gate
    - Added robots outside of platform carry between warps difficulty setting (disabled by default).
    - Fix for harvesters being permanently lost
    - Added Home Portal item that teleports you to homeworld
    - Buffed warp module productivity bonus for consistency
    - Added new remotes for mod managed tables
    - Warp pipes are now automatically emptied if neither side is connected to another pipe
    - Added sprite overlays to stairs to reduce confusion on where it will send you (alt-mode only)
Version: 1.2.1
Date: 10.10.2019
    - Harvesters now prevent players getting stuck when being deployed.
    - Another loot chest typo
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 10.10.2019
    - Typos with loot chests
    - Fixed harvesters "moving" players when recalled on warp
    - Attempted fixes of harvester deploy bug
Version: 1.1.9
Date: 10.10.2019
    - Fixed votewarp bug
    - Updated logistics research descriptions
    - Fixed warp pipe temperature bug
    - Added SpawnLootChest to remote interface
    - Added setting to turn on/off loot chests
    - Fixed a crash related to clearing mod composite entities (eg. mini-loaders)
    - Added some missing modifiers to the reach distance research
    - Added Warp Striders research
    - Made a few early researches require the reactor reassembly project
    - Made a few other small research tweaks
    - Added steel chest to Requester chest type settings
Version: 1.1.8
Date: 2.10.2019
    - Attempted fixes of sound stacking problem
    - Fixed platform turret warping alignment x2
Version: 1.1.7
Date: 30.09.2019
    - Reduced cost of Warponium Fuel Cells
    - Fixed teleporter sounds
    - Fixed warp beacon (?)
    - Changed warp pipe pipette
    - Fixed player leave/join affecting votewarp
    - Increased default votewarp fraction to 0.51 and now rounds up. (2 players in MP requires both players to vote before warping)
    - Fixed platform turret warping alignment issue
    - Fixed factory floor early research tile alignment issue
Version: 1.1.6
Date: 30.09.2019
    - Fixed nauvis map gen settings not applying to uncharted planets and added copy_nauvis planet modifier.
    - Fixed hazard tile indicator accuracy for stairs
    - Fixed a bug with harvester recall and overlapping belts/entities being destroyed
Version: 1.1.5
Date: 30.09.2019
    - Made rotation checks more efficient
    - Fixed Warp Rail logistics not being removed from blueprints.
    - Fixed blueprints created from hotbar not being affected by blueprint checks.
    - Mod Compatability attempted AAI Vehicles fixes
    - Added toolbar and relating research for easy harvester and mobile gate pickup by popular demand
Version: 1.1.4
Date: 29.09.2019
    - Added "P" Planet Clock timer to Warp Combinator
    - Added separate setting to disable biter waves (previously disabled under base expansion rate tickbox)
    - Fix for harvester migration issue x3
Version: 1.1.3
Date: 29.09.2019
    - Fixed red X's in power statistics
    - Made factory beacon research a bit more expensive
    - Nerfed platform solar power by popular demand and added a difficulty setting
    - Fix for harvester migration issue x2
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 29.09.2019
    - Fixed bug with abilities not resetting on warp
    - Attempted more fixes of multiplayer votewarp
    - Added some locale to Warp Reactor research level 6 and 8
    - Fixed planet target dropdown unlocking early.
    - Fix of harvester loaders migration issue
    - Picking up harvesters now prevents inventory duplicates
    - Tweaked sorting of harvester items and research (left is now on the left)
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 29.09.2019
    - Migration error x2
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 28.09.2019
    - Migration error
Version: 1.0.9
Date: 28.09.2019
    - Attempted fix of loader and boiler floor access migration issues
Version: 1.0.8
Date: 27.09.2019
    - Cleaned entity spam from circuit signals menu
    - Mod compatability with Spell Pack
    - Fixed Warp Loaders (old saves may need to rotate them to refresh/update)
Version: 1.0.7
Date: 26.09.2019
    - Planet API bugfix
    - Removed some debug code
    - Fixed migration power bug
    - Fixed Warp Combinator alignments and bug with offset setting not applying
    - Fixed Harvester alignment bug + tile migration
    - Fixed bug with Harvester Combinators not moving for size upgrades
Version: 1.0.6
Date: 25.09.2019
    - Removed unused hazard tiles
    - Moved Harvester Floor between boiler and factory, and adjusted research to match.
    - Fixed Warp Accumulator recipe and item
    - Fixed "Invisible" Radar being hidden by factory beacon/boiler substation upgrades
    - Fixed minor factory floor misalignments + tile migration
Version: 1.0.5
Date: 22.09.2019
    - Fixed crash related to new blueprints thing
    - Added Warp Combinators and related research
    - Added Harvester Combinators and related research
    - Fixed factory giga floors alignments + tile migration
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 22.09.2019
    - Fixed bug with teleporter gate not receiving power upgrades if logistics is blocked when it's placed
    - Planet teleporter gate must now be rebuilt for logistics and loader upgrades to apply (prevents problems related to clearing space)
    - Added fix for loader filters being lost between logistics and loader upgrades
    - Fixed bug with players being moved between warps
    - Fixed clearing bug with platform turrets
    - Platform Structures are now removed from blueprints. This is potentially conflicting so there is a setting to disable this.
    - New warptorio event handling. See remote.get_events() and remote.get_event(name).
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 21.09.2019
    - Added a bunch of remote api events for future implementation and slightly adjusted naming of existing ones.
    - Fixed harvester logistics research crash
    - Fixed boiler floor, water and giga alignment issues + tile migration.
    - Mod Compatability bugfix for ModMash
    - Fixed tile migrations clearing harvesters
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 18.09.2019
    - Fixed west harvester bugs
    - Fixed east harvester loaders research bug
    - Fixed boiler giga floor bridge alignment bugs
    - Fixed bug with level 0 (entry) platform turret research not placing tiles on planet
    - Fixed bug with harvester logistics not clearing space for loaders correctly
    - Fixed boiler water alignment bugs
    - Added tile migration. Saves may take a while to load.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 17.09.2019
    - Fixed beacon issues
    - Fixed carebear chest
    - Attempted fix of logistics research occasional crash
    - New thumbnail.png
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 15.09.2019
    - Fixed clearing alignment bug of platform circles
    - Added migration to recall harvesters aiming to fix loader and alignment issues
Version: 0.9.9
Date: 15.09.2019
    - Fixed issue with reactor upgrade destroying teleporter
    - Fixed bug with planet teleporter gate not using energy upgrades
Version: 0.9.8
Date: 15.09.2019
    - Fixed sizing bug for platform circles
Version: 0.9.7
Date: 15.09.2019
    - Fixed typos with carebear chest
    - Adjusted size of harvester platform borders
    - Added (up to) 3 loaders to the harvester platforms which are always connected to harvester floor.
    - Harvesters are now recalled when the interior portal is mined (if deployed)
Version: 0.9.6
Date: 13.09.2019
    - Fixed harvester pickup portal bug
    - More typos
Version: 0.9.5
Date: 12.09.2019
    - More typos
    - Attempted fix of harvester recall crash
Version: 0.9.4
Date: 12.09.2019
    - Fixed typos with pipe logistics and warpout
Version: 0.9.3
Date: 12.09.2019
    - More typos
Version: 0.9.2
Date: 11.09.2019
    - Fix for pipe logistics issue
    - More typo fixes
Version: 0.9.1
Date: 11.09.2019
    - (Hopefully) fixed a crash relating to fluids
    - Added fix for migration bug relating to power between floors
Version: 0.9.0
Date: 11.09.2019
    - Harvester Platforms now spawn on top of resources instead of transferring them to the harvester floor
    - Harvester Platforms will now recall players on them if they're deployed when warping.
Version: 0.8.9
Date: 11.09.2019
    - Fixed typos breaking planet packs and alien biomes.
    - Fixed typo with boiler research
    - Fixed typo with autowarp timer
    - Added a bunch of various functions to the remote interface.
    - Attempted fixes to votewarp for multiplayer (untested)
    - Fixed homeworld button
Version: 0.8.8
Date: 10.09.2019
    - Massive re-write and code cleanup
    - Fixed bugs related to multiple planets (eg. homeworld plus platform) with special chunk generation functions interfering with eachother, particularly for multiplayer.
    - Tri-loader now adds an extra belt pair to ALL stairs, making the central stairs have 6 belts instead of 4.
    - New Harvester Floor below the boiler and a new relating gameplay mechanic.
    - Made a bunch of things use locale for translation later
    - Fixed the teleporter logistics blocked message on warp
    - Moved first boiler room water research to blue science
    - Fixed water placement bugs
    - Made platform "turrets" research a bit cheaper, and moved the first level to green science.
    - Broke Warp Loaders
    - Slightly adjusted alignment of warp rails
    - Made warp charge timer (entity counter thing) ignore surface/planet entities
Version: 0.8.7
Date: 26.08.2019
    - Added sound to warp button and a message for multiplayer
    - Fixed a bug with planet selector
Version: 0.8.6
Date: 24.08.2019
    - More pollution nerfs
    - Added pollution exponent multiplier setting
    - Added pollution tick rate setting
Version: 0.8.5
Date: 22.08.2019
    - Teleporter hitbox adjustments
Version: 0.8.4
Date: 22.08.2019
    - Mod Compatability: Von Neumann Mod. Please use v0.0.3 that i have posted if you wish to play that mod with this one: https://github.com/abaines/Von-Neumann/issues/1
Version: 0.8.3
Date: 22.08.2019
    - Leftover test code
Version: 0.8.2
Date: 22.08.2019
    - Full mod compatability: Force Fields 2 - https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ForceFields2
Version: 0.8.1
Date: 22.08.2019
    - Fixed a bug with the Stone planet
    - Review for multiplayer planet selection drop-down bug
    - Mod Compatability: Added remote interface for other mods to prevent certain entities from being cloned by name
Version: 0.8.0
Date: 21.08.2019
    - Fixed a bug with circuits and loader chests
Version: 0.7.9
Date: 21.08.2019
    - New Planet: Smog Planet
    - New Planet: Mirror Planet
Version: 0.7.8
Date: 21.08.2019
    - Mod Compatability: Alien Biomes - bug fixing
    - More pollution nerfs (reset settings in existing saves)
Version: 0.7.7
Date: 20.08.2019
    - Nerfed Pollution Factor
    - Fixed a bug with autowarp on/off
    - New Planet Expansion Pack: DangOreus Planet
Version: 0.7.6
Date: 19.08.2019
    - Waterless, Biter, and "Rest" Planets can no longer occur twice in a row respectively.
    - Moved the first teleporter research into it's own research
    - Mod Compatability: Big Brother radars
    - Mod Compatability: Alien Biomes - Fixed a bug with water not spawning on planets
    - Mod Compatability: Alien Biomes - Fixed a multiplayer desync issue
Version: 0.7.5
Date: 17.08.2019
    - Fixed a bug with the warp target dropdown in multiplayer
Version: 0.7.4
Date: 17.08.2019
    - Added more mod remote commands
    - Added tile overrides to disable certain tiles unless otherwise enabled.
Version: 0.7.3
Date: 17.08.2019
    - migration issues
Version: 0.7.2
Date: 17.08.2019
    - More bug fix
Version: 0.7.1
Date: 17.08.2019
    - Progress on mod compatability Alien Biomes
Version: 0.7.0
Date: 17.08.2019
    - Fixed gui not updating on autowarp settings changes
    - Added a fix to make spawn area resources spawn further away from the platform as it gets bigger (this apparently did nothing)
Version: 0.6.9
Date: 17.08.2019
    - Mod setting for %chance of landing on selected planet
    - Added Warp Portal item
Version: 0.6.8
Date: 17.08.2019
    - Fixed a bug with the warp charge timer
    - Fixed a bug with the planets gui dropdown
    - Fixed missing ocean planet description
    - Planets API tweaks
    - Fixed player corpse between warps
Version: 0.6.7
Date: 15.08.2019
    - Added fix for dropped items being lost on warp
    - More 0.6.5 typos
Version: 0.6.6
Date: 15.08.2019
    - Added missing multiplier for original map settings starting_area and water
    - 0.6.5 typo
Version: 0.6.5
Date: 15.08.2019
    - Fixed a big with picking up warp heatpipes
    - Fixed a bug with the early boiler room water setting not working when starting a new map with it enabled (migration for this is done too)
    - Added checks to ensure resource specific planets are not spawned if a mod is added that removes base game resources.
    - Fixed a bug with modded ores not appearing on any planets
    - Fixed interactions with Factorissimo2
    - More progress on Alien Biomes compatability (trees and such should spawn now). It should only spawn nauvis-like planets currently.
Version: 0.6.4
Date: 12.08.2019
    - Fixed typos in 0.6.3
Version: 0.6.3
Date: 12.08.2019
    - Temporarily disabled loader mod detection
    - Re-wrote the planet generator with improved mod compatability and improved api
    - Tweaked a bunch of planet generation settings
    - Added Uncharted planet
Version: 0.6.2
Date: 12.08.2019
    - Added mod compatability: Mods that introduce new/faster loaders will replace the existing platform loaders at logistics level 4. Exception: miniloaders
    - Prep for mod compatible planet generator update
Version: 0.6.1
Date: 11.08.2019
    - Fixed a crash related to Alien Biomes
Version: 0.6.0
Date: 10.08.2019
    - Bug Fix
    - More progress on mod compatability: Alien Biomes
Version: 0.5.9
Date: 10.08.2019
    - Completed Mod Extendable Planets.
    - Official Warptorio2 Planet Pack: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/warptorio_planet_pack
    - Progress on mod compatability: Alien Biomes.
    - Progress on mod compatability for modded ores
Version: 0.5.8
Date: 10.08.2019
    - Added Biter Waves, ensuring biter attacks always happen
    - Added Biter Wave difficulty settings
    - Added a tiny bit of pollution to everything (such as chests, inserters)
Version: 0.5.7
Date: 10.08.2019
    - Adjusted spawn settings of the Barren planet
    - Added Rogue planet
Version: 0.5.6
Date: 10.08.2019
    - Added votewarp multiplier mod setting
Version: 0.5.5
Date: 10.08.2019
    - Added nauvis_override to the modded planet api
    - Added votewarp for multiplayer (untested)
    - Reversed direction of logistics on north half of platform.
    - Added mod settings allowing you to set the direction of platform logistics (north and south halves)
Version: 0.5.4
Date: 10.08.2019
    - Full factorissimo mod support
    - Fixed a bug with the southeast and southwest warp rails
    - Fixed a bug with corner stairs not benefiting from stairs energy research
    - Known Issue: Multiplayer Desync related to cloning accumulators. This is a factorio bug: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=74363
Version: 0.5.3
Date: 09.08.2019
    - Minor bug fixing
Version: 0.5.2
Date: 09.08.2019
    - Minor bug fix
Version: 0.5.1
Date: 09.08.2019
    - Minor bug fix
Version: 0.5.0
Date: 09.08.2019
    - Added expert difficulty mod setting: autowarp is always on
    - Added more mod settings for pollution factor and biter expansion rates
    - Small nerf to biter expansion rates
    - Added auto warp time mod setting
Version: 0.4.9
Date: 09.08.2019
    - More work on remote interface for other mods to expand the warptorio planets table. Please refer to FAQ.
Version: 0.4.8
Date: 09.08.2019
    - Mod compatability with Dirt Path
    - Added remote interface for other mods to expand the warptorio planets table
Version: 0.4.7
Date: 09.08.2019
    - Added mod settings weighted planet probability of occurrence
    - Fixed a crash related to loot chests
Version: 0.4.6
Date: 09.08.2019
    - Added carebear difficulty mod setting: Early boiler room water
Version: 0.4.5
Date: 08.08.2019
    - Added carebear difficulty mod setting: spawns a loot chest of items you'll need to get you through the first few planets alive for those that need help.
    - Reduced base autowarp timer to 20 mins to better match biter evolution in the early game.
Version: 0.4.4
Date: 08.08.2019
    - General code cleanup and organising
    - Added mod setting to turn off autowarp earlier than reactor level 6.
    - Added mod settings to change warp charge time calculations and ability cooldowns.
Version: 0.4.3
Date: 06.08.2019
    - Fixed mp issue
    - Added more provider chest options
Version: 0.4.2
Date: 06.08.2019
    - Miniaturized the "invisible" radar.
    - Added mod settings allowing selection of requester/provider chests used with teleporter and stairs loaders.
Version: 0.4.1
Date: 06.08.2019
    - Fixed a bug with warp rail loaders and chests not switching direction
Version: 0.4.0
Date: 06.08.2019
    - Reduced warp charge time growth
    - Fixed a bunch of sizing and alignment issues
    - Big code cleanup intended for improved mod compatability, performance and reliability.
    - Reactor research tweaks
    - Invisible radar to factory and boiler floors (requires charting).
    - Fixed a multiplayer crash
Version: 0.3.9
Date: 06.08.2019
    - Fixed missing beacon levels
    - Fixed some lag issues when staying on a planet for too long
Version: 0.3.8
Date: 05.08.2019
    - Added crash protection for mods that remove base game resources
Version: 0.3.7
Date: 04.08.2019
    - Fixed a bug with reactor removing itself between warps
    - Fixed factory beacon placement issues
    - Added changelog formatting for in-game viewing
Version: 0.3.6
Date: 04.08.2019
    - Slightly reduced final platform size upgrade
Version: 0.3.5
Date: 04.08.2019
    - More research tweaks
    - Fixed a crash caused by even distribution mod
Version: 0.3.4
Date: 2019.08.03
    - Added homeworld
    - Tweaked beacon research
Version: 0.3.3
Date: 03.08.2019
    - Pumps are now correctly removed from platform between warps
    - Removed additional stairs belts, max is now 4.
    - New space science: Warp Loaders.
Version: 0.3.2
Date: 03.08.2019
    - Fixed bug with giga boiler floors unlocking early
    - Reduced cost of research
Version: 0.3.1
Date: 01.08.2019
    - Added caching for warp accumulators and heatpipes to save frames
    - Added missing purple science packs to logistics research
    - Fixed sizing and alignment of boiler giga floors
Version: 0.3.0
Date: 01.08.2019
    - Tweaked occurrence rate and zones of planets
    - More pollution tweaks
    - Tweaked axe speed, physical damage and warp beacon research
    - Fixed random deaths when warping while you're standing on the edge of the platform
    - Planets will now correctly copy settings from original map generation.
Version: 0.2.9
Date: 31.07.2019
    - Added Warp Accumulators
    - Further tweaks to pollution settings
    - Added alarm to auto-warp
    - fixed logistics bots between warps
Version: 0.2.8
Date: 30.07.2019
    - Added some vanilla bullet damage upgrades
    - Tweaked initial and stabilizer pollution settings
Version: 0.2.7
Date: 29.07.2019
    - Tweaked the Polluted planet
    - Added Dwarf Planet
    - Changed some planet descriptions
    - Fixed a bug with logistics chests not functioning correctly between floors
Version: 0.2.6
Date: 29.07.2019
    - Reduced warp multipliers for end game planets
    - Tweaked resource spawning on specialized planets and disabled spawn area resource removal
Version: 0.2.5
Date: 27.07.2019
    - Fixed a bug with placing the teleporter gate causes the platform teleporter chests to empty
    - Slightly reduced warp robot speed bonus
    - Fixed a bug with dual loader research not applying to boiler floor
Version: 0.2.4
Date: 27.07.2019
    - Fixed a bug with upgrading energy causing loss of logistics in boiler room.
    - Made early game research slightly more expensive
Version: 0.2.3
Date: 27.07.2019
    - Mic Drop
Version: 0.2.2
Date: 27.07.2019
    - Major Branch split from warptorio_0.2.1. Credit to Nonoce https://mods.factorio.com/mod/warptorio
    - Updated everything
    - Fixed everything
    - Finished everything
    - Polished everything
    - Added a whole bunch of new stuff
    - Made sure that new stuff worked properly as ideally as possible.