Deep core mining

by VortiK

A not cheaty infinite ore mod. Adds ore patches that appear when ore fields are depleted that can be mined with a pair of advanced mining drill to upgrade mining outposts and provide source of expensive but steady infinite ore. Adds an high tech infinite ore mining from rare deep core cracks spawned in the world that require heavy refining. Now with automatic mod support !

8 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

i [DONE] Programmatically find and support ores

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

VortiK, rather than having to individually add support for each resource type, could you just change the code to programmatically add them? I mean, you should be able to just iterate through data.raw.resource and then check all of their various parameters and then specifically exclude if needed. This way you don't have to keep up on updating the mod if other mods add more resources....

2 years ago

Hello, yes indeed ! However that would require a bit of refactor of the mod code. I also fear there would be many incompatibility and somewhat concluded that manual explicit support bit by bit to be safer ... and there's quite some of the main mods already supported.

I can think of some mod that were an headach to support of like Dirty Mining and Prospector that may be hard to keep support of.

I'll keep it in mind if I get some more time on the mod, thanks for the tip !

2 years ago

Hello, I've managed to make this work in 2.9.0. There was some complexities to properly detect ores but it works ! There's some exceptions to do still but code is lighter and now works with all mods !

Thanks for pushing this idea :)

1 year, 10 months ago

Are mod authors able to mark their ore to not be deepcored, or do you have to do the blacklist of your end?

1 year, 10 months ago

Hello JamesFire, there is no blacklist for now in the mod, there never was a need for it so far :D

This could be added, for which mod ?

1 year, 10 months ago

The mod is one I am currently developing.

The mod name is James-Oil-Processing, and the resource I want ignored is VPE-tarsand.

1 year, 7 months ago

Hello JamesFire, this has been added in next version releasing later today !

1 year, 7 months ago


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