Deep core mining

by VortiK

A not cheaty infinite ore mod. Adds ore patches that appear when ore fields are depleted that can be mined with a pair of advanced mining drill to upgrade mining outposts and provide source of expensive but steady infinite ore. Adds an high tech infinite ore mining from rare deep core cracks spawned in the world that require heavy refining. Now with automatic mod support !

7 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Option to disable parts of the mod

3 years ago

I'll start with saying, that i love this mod. It's exactly what i wanted to keep outposts useful.

But it would be awesome it i could disable some techs like the deep core miners, as well as lowering the spawn chance of depleted ore patches.

Moho miner is great, but later techs make searching for new outposts pointless.

3 years ago


Thanks for your message.

So you'd like a choosable option to not have a choice between Moho & DeepCore ? :)

I feel this would bloat the mod for not much, nothing forces you to use DeepCore if you prefer Moho, it is a player choice by design.

As for the ore patches density, this could be an option indeed I'll note this done for a future version.

Thanks for your feedback !

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