Deep core mining

by VortiK

A not cheaty infinite ore mod. Adds ore patches that appear when ore fields are depleted that can be mined with a pair of advanced mining drill to upgrade mining outposts and provide source of expensive but steady infinite ore. Adds an high tech infinite ore mining from rare deep core cracks spawned in the world that require heavy refining. Now with automatic mod support !

8 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Direct mining options & rebalance

5 years ago

VortiK & others,

Hello, this is November, I've used the Deep Core Mining mod here for a little while in a Space Extension game with my friend, and I have a few comments on the Advanced Deep Core Mining component.

  1. Excess of other resources

While playing with the Advanced Deep Core miner, it seemed like we were generating way too much of the other resources. We were having problems running a base off of these drills, because of the excess stone, coal and uranium that were being produced. I know we could use a trash mod or something to get rid of them, but that didn't seem very elegant.

  1. Consumption of the Deep Core Mining Drones

I thought it was inconsistent that Deep Core Mining Drones have to sacrifice themselves to sort and maintain refining of deep core ore. Logistics and Construction robots are self-maintaining, in the sense that they never have to be retired.

Therefore, I have fully implemented these changes as an internal fork of the mod that isn't published anywhere yet, which I am going to test on Wednesday when my friend and I play again.

  1. Added "direct" recipes that configure the centrifuges to sort only one type of ore out of the Deep Core chunks. One for iron, copper, coal, stone and uranium.

These recipes cost 25% more chunks (125), and produce ~3 times as much ore of the single type (10 chunks, up from 3.5 for iron and copper, and 5 chunks, up from 1.5, for the others), but don't produce any of the rest of the ore types.

  1. Re-imagined the Deep Core Mining drone from a disposable small drone into an advanced, shielded, underground heavy vehicle, that are remote controlled by the Deep Core mining drills.

-> Increased its cost greatly

{"flying-robot-frame", 32},
{"electric-mining-drill", 64},
{"advanced-circuit", 50},
{"energy-shield-equipment", 10}

-> Reduced the amount of them needed for the smaller Deep Core Mining drills to 1
-> Increased the amount of them required for the advanced mining drill to 15
-> Required that Advanced Deep Core drill builders supply 25 advanced MK2 shields to augment their fleet of underground drone vehicles as a component to building the advanced drill.
-> Eliminated the requirement to consume Deep Core Mining Drones for refining deep core ore chunks.

Overall, this increases the cost to set up Advanced Deep Core Mining, but makes its output more flexible, plentiful and sustainable than the base mod.

If anyone here (VortiK?) is interested in the source code for this customized fork of this mod, let me know and I'll post it to Google Drive. I don't want to register it in the Mod Portal because it is not built in a very compatible/patchable way as of right now.


5 years ago

Hi November

I really like the changes you did. Do you still share your code?

Best regards

5 years ago

Hello November,

Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the late response.

I've added a feature in 1.13.0 for focused deep core ore refining into specific ore chunks. It's less efficient, but yields a single ore type.
I've also rebalanced the normal refining yields, so stone, coal and uranium are less overflooding.

Also your changes to the drone consumption are interesting but I've not made my mind about changing this officially in my mod. It would make deep core a big first investment whereas now it is a constant cost to supply advanced deep core.


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