Deep core mining

by VortiK

A not cheaty infinite ore mod. Adds ore patches that appear when ore fields are depleted that can be mined with a pair of advanced mining drill to upgrade mining outposts and provide source of expensive but steady infinite ore. Adds an high tech infinite ore mining from rare deep core cracks spawned in the world that require heavy refining. Now with automatic mod support !

8 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Old World-Deep Core Cracks

5 years ago

I find it quite unfortunate that I already have a huge base with a lot of chunks explored and have to venture out further for Deep Ore cracks. Btw, I love the mod in general :D.

5 years ago


Indeed Deep Core Cracks are generated only on chunk creation when you discover new land so if you have an existing save you could use the Delete Empty Chunk mod to discover them again :

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