Armor Reach

by VortiK

Makes the armor increase player reach for interaction, build, drop and mine range. Higher range for higher armor tech. Also increase player handcrafting and mining speed and add health bonus. Supports mods : - Tiny Armors MK1 & MK2 - Power Armor MK3 & MK4 - Bob's Warfare Armors, Heavy MK2 & MK3 and Power Armors MK3 & MK4 & MK5. - Space Exploration Thruster Suits 1 to 4. - Early Construction Light & Heavy armors. - Krastorio 2's Power Armor MK3 & MK4 - Shall Suits.

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0

b [1.6.0] Desync - reference to player not serialised

4 years ago


Thanks for the report. I don't play in MP so this kind of feedback in invaluable.

I've pushed a new version which should hopefully fix thoses holes !

New response