Unchained Modpack

Hardcore is fun!

Mod packs
4 years ago

g Two errors

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Sorry, for some reason img tags aren't working on my post.

I installed your modpack with all the listed dependencies and NO additional mods, on a fresh install. That gives these two errors:


I tried every version as well.

Regardless of any mod versions I have tried I also get this error from py's petrochem:


Error was reported on other pages, some having mixed results and reporting disabling PCPredux fixes it, others say it doesn't. I disabled PCPredux and it did fix the second error. But you list PCPredux as a dependency so I'm not sure what to do.

I'm not familiar with the back end of things I simply tried various loads with different versions looking for a way to get it all to load error free. I'm super interested in trying this pack, appreciate a fix as soon as you can.

4 years ago

2nd error is always about this mod didnt lauched correctly. 1st error i cant reproduce, so i dont know why you get it.

4 years ago

Reason for 1st error may be that you dont install Hacked Spliteres redux mod properly. Without it this mod would work, So in that case you will allways see 2nd error as this mod fixing compability with py mods and Petrochem Redux. Its impossible to run them without modpack.

4 years ago

is there a special way to install hacked spiltters cause ive deleted it and redownloaded it 2 times now and it still throws errors

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

quick fix until mod pack is fixed
go into your appdata/Roaming/factorio/mods -- unzip utweaks
open up utweaks/prototypes/usplitter.lua
change "basic-splitter" to "splitter" on lines 12 and 30
save and play
now all the tweaks work and you can progress like intended

as for why its throwing an error is cause there is no item with the name "basic-splitter"
splitters were renamed in 0.13.0:
Renamed "basic splitter" to "splitter".

4 years ago

Its a totaly a crap fix. That didnt fix real problem.

THERE IS BASIC SPLITTER. Its added by bob logistic

https://imgur.com/RDbzfrn. So ur fix just broke the recipe. Good job!

4 years ago

ok i figured it out, and not just a hotfix that still breaks the mod.

start the game with bobs logistics enabled
go to mod settings
under startup settings
enable bobs logistics - Transport belt overhaul
Save and reload the mod pack

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

--double post--

New response